A new first-of-its-kind survey of over 16,000 couriers across 24 European countries
reveals the vast majority choose platform work because of the flexibility it provides,
and consider it as a compl...
Both companies share a mission to build a global platform for local commerce that connects consumers with the best of their community, drives incremental revenue for merchants, and provides meaning...
Wolt, den Helsinki-baserede techvirksomhed, som er kendt for takeaway-udbringning, kan nu annoncere at virksomheden får 100 millioner euro i ny finansiering.
Wolt meddelte i dag, at de har rejst helt præcist 1,06 mia. danske kroner i en ny finansiering. Finansieringen består af to tidligere uanmeldte runder, herunder den seneste på 864 mio. danske krone...