Pizza is the most popular take-away food in Iceland according to Wolt

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As Icelanders continue to indulge in their favorite fast-food options, recent data from Wolt, the leading food delivery platform, reveals a significant inclination towards pizza, closely followed by hamburgers and chicken, when it comes to home-delivered comfort food. This surge in demand underscores the evolving culinary preferences of consumers seeking convenience without compromising on taste and quality.

Wolt launched in Iceland in May of this year, and was immediately embraced, first by the people of Reykjavik, then Reykjanesbær, and in November the company added Selfoss and Hveragerði to the map. After roughly six months of delivering tasty food to homes and companies, the statistics paint a clear picture of the Icelandic people’s fast-food favorites.

In the rest of the Nordics, hamburgers are by far the most popular food we deliver, but in Iceland pizza is the favorite. However it is a close race between pizza, hamburger and chicken. Our partnerships with KFC and esteemed local establishments like 2Guys and Pizzan has played a pivotal role in satisfying the cravings of our customers, offering them the convenience of enjoying high-quality, delicious meals in the comfort of their homes or the office.  Elisabeth Stenersen, General manager of Wolt Iceland.


The most popular dishes in Iceland are:

  • Pizza 
  • Hamburger 
  • Chicken 
  • Asian 
  • Middle-Eastern 
  • Mexican 
  • Kebab 
  • Indian 
  • Sushi 
  • Juices & smoothies

Among the array of beloved fast-food establishments available for home delivery, 2Guys, a local burger haven, has emerged as a standout favorite among Wolt users. Renowned for its mouthwatering burgers crafted with premium Icelandic beef, 2Guys has solidified its position as one of the most sought-after dining destinations accessible through Wolt's seamless delivery service.

The five most popular restaurants (not ranked):

  • 2Guys 
  • Pizzan 
  • KFC 
  • Nings  
  • Metro

– 2Guys Burgers, known for its commitment to using locally sourced ingredients and delivering an unmatched burger experience, has received resounding acclaim from Wolt users, reflecting the brand's dedication to culinary excellence and customer satisfaction. As Icelanders embrace the convenience of Wolt's delivery services for their favorite fast-food indulgences, 2Guys Burgers stands out as an emblem of superior taste and quality in the comfort food realm, says Stenersen.

In response to the burgeoning demand for yummi home-delivered food, Wolt has continually expanded its network of partner restaurants, ensuring that Icelandic food enthusiasts have access to an extensive array of fast-food options. The platform's commitment to prompt and reliable delivery services has further amplified the appeal of savoring popular delicacies, such as pizza, hamburgers, chicken and kebab, within the cozy confines of home.

Ever since we joined forces with Wolt, we have seen increased demand for our burgers from all over Reykjavik. Having the ability to deliver directly to the customer we have the ability to increase our sales significantly. With the opening of two new locations, we are extending the distribution area with Wolt to parts of Grafarvogur, Grafarholt, Norðlingaholt and in fact all the way up to Garðabær. Being one of the top-five restaurants on Wolt in Iceland, with just one venue, speaks to the demand for good quality, no-nonsense burgers that we are more than happy to provide to the both locals and tourists in Iceland. Hjalti Vignis, co-founder of 2Guys Burgers
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Hjalti Vignis, co-founder of 2Guys Burgers

About Wolt

Höfuðstöðvar tæknifyrirtækisins Wolt eru í Helsinki og gerir fyrirtækið viðskiptavinum sínum auðvelt að uppgötva bestu veitingastaðina, verslanir í nærumhverfinu og matvöru sem hægt er að panta og fá senda með hraði til einstaklinga og fyrirtækja. Til að gera þetta mögulegt hefur Wolt þróað tæknilegar lausnir fyrir allt frá flæðistjórnun, verslunarhugbúnað og greiðslulausnum til reksturs matvöruverslana eins og Wolt Market. Wolt var stofnað 2014 og keypt af DoorDash 2022. DoorDash rekur starfsemi í 31 landi og er Wolt með starfsemi í 27 af þeim löndum. Wolt hóf starfsemi á Íslandi í maí 2023

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