Wolt starts home-delivery in Akureyri

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The popular home-delivery service Wolt is expanding further in Iceland, and is opening in Akureyri this week. After a successful year in Reykjavik, and the South West of Iceland, the service is now expanding to the Northern parts of Iceland.

Starting March 20, courier partners in blue are ready to start delivering from restaurants and shops to the people of Akureyri. In total, Wolt has contracted with more than 30 local courier partners who will handle deliveries. The company offers a platform that brings together local shops and restaurants, courier partners and customers, making it possible to get almost whatever you want delivered home in about 40 minutes. 


We are very excited to bring home-delivery to Akureyri. It has always been our plan to bring the service to the Capital of North, and we are very excited to launch Wolt in lovely Akureyri. With Wolt, restaurants and local shops can reach a bigger customer group by offering home delivery. It doesn't cannibalize in-store shopping, and hence is an attractive new revenue source that support local commerce.Customers appreciate the convenience of being able to quickly get dinner delivered on days they don’t have the time to cook themselves, or if they just want to treat themselves. Elisabeth Stenersen, General Manager of Wolt Iceland & Norway
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 Elisabeth Stenersen, General manager Wolt Iceland & Norway cccccccccccc ccfvdsfgsdfgsdgvsdfgv

From day one Wolt is offering quick-delivery from more than 20 local restaurants and shops in Akureyri. Locals can choose between dishes from all over the world at Verksmiðjan, possibly Iceland’s best burgers at DJ Grill, pizzas from Sprettur-Inn, meat and seafood from Greifinn or kebabs from Kurdo kebab just to mention some of the many options. The local restaurant business has been very positive, and the company points out that they have reached a restaurant coverage in the city unparalleled to any place in Iceland.


 – Nearly all the restaurants in Akureyri have signed up! We continue to be amazed by the overwhelming reception we have gotten from both customers and venues in Iceland. The market has grown a lot faster than we had expected, and with the addition of Akureyri, roughly  75 percent of Iceland’s population can now get Wolt home delivery in less than 40 minutes. While home delivery-companies like ours previously were limited to the bigger cities, we have seen both in Norway and Iceland, that there is latent demand for these services in smaller cities as well. We are ready for even more in the Icelandic market, says Stensersen.


Wolt launched in Reykjavík in early May 2023 and has since added Hafnarfjörður, Reykjanesbær, Selfoss and Hveragerði. Akureyri is the sixth city in Iceland, and the first in the north, to get Wolt’s quick-delivery service.

Globally Wolt is present in 27 countries in Europe and Asia. Since 2022 the company has been a part of California-based DoorDash.

These are the venues that will be available from launch-day:

  • Sushi Corner
  • Rub23
  • Bautinn
  • Pizzasmiðjan
  • Strikið
  • Centrum Kitchen & Bar
  • Ísbúðin Akureyri og Boozt barinn (x2)
  • Berlín Akureyri
  • Sykurverk
  • Múlaberg
  • Kurdo Kebab
  • Verksmiðjan
  • Greifinn
  • Ísgerðin
  • Serrano
  • GS búllan
  • Indian Curry House
  • Backpackers
  • Dj Grill

More venues to be added after launch.

About Wolt

Höfuðstöðvar tæknifyrirtækisins Wolt eru í Helsinki og gerir fyrirtækið viðskiptavinum sínum auðvelt að uppgötva bestu veitingastaðina, verslanir í nærumhverfinu og matvöru sem hægt er að panta og fá senda með hraði til einstaklinga og fyrirtækja. Til að gera þetta mögulegt hefur Wolt þróað tæknilegar lausnir fyrir allt frá flæðistjórnun, verslunarhugbúnað og greiðslulausnum til reksturs matvöruverslana eins og Wolt Market. Wolt var stofnað 2014 og keypt af DoorDash 2022. DoorDash rekur starfsemi í 31 landi og er Wolt með starfsemi í 27 af þeim löndum. Wolt hóf starfsemi á Íslandi í maí 2023

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