O Wolt

Dowiedz się więcej

Wolt is – essentially – building new infrastructure. We build a connection between restaurants and retailers that want to make and sell food and other products, couriers that want to earn through delivering those products, and customers who want to free up time and effort to focus on the more important things in life. By doing this, we make our cities also better places to live. And by “better” we mean happier people: happier small enterprises that have more business and that can employ more people, happier couriers that have a flexible way to earn when they choose, happier customers who now have easy access to a great meal or anything else they need, exactly when and where they need it - and who get to save some of their precious time while they are at it.

Our vision is to build the digital world version of the shopping malls we used to frequent, this time brought to the convenience of our homes and workplaces within the half-hour or so. We started with the food court on top the floor, and have since expanded to groceries on the ground floor along with all the other shops, stores and boutiques in the middle – and we’re still only getting started.

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